Legal Services

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) is a non–profit civil rights law firm that strives for social justice. In partnership with member law firms, corporate law departments and other organizations, NYLPI helps underrepresented people develop legal strategies to serve their vision for themselves...

The Goddard Riverside West Side SRO Law Project provides free legal services and tenant organizing assistance to low-income residents of single-room occupancy (SRO) buildings on Manhattan’s West Side. The project helps tenants address a wide array of problems, including eviction, rent overcharge, harassment, illegal construction,...

UnLocal, Inc. is a community-centered non-profit organization that provides direct immigration legal representation and community education to New York City’s undocumented immigrant communities. UnLocal recognizes the needs of all immigrants and tailors its programming to identify specific gaps in services that are not sufficiently provided...

Youth Represent is dedicated to improving the lives and futures of young people affected by the criminal justice system. A conviction, an arrest, or even a simple interaction with police can have lasting consequences for young people, threatening the stability they need to thrive. When...

Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC) is a community-based, not-for-profit organization serving the Washington Heights and Inwood communities. They provide resources and support to the community’s poorest residents, empowering them to secure economic stability and to be active participants in their community. NMIC’s client-centered programs minimize...

Legal Services (NYCLSNYC) is the largest organization exclusively devoted to providing free civil legal services in the United States, with neighborhood offices in every borough of New York City. LSNYC is made up of passionate attorneys and staff who provide their clients–single moms, workers with...

The Legal Services for the Working Poor (LSWP) Coalition is a collaboration of five NYC community-based legal service organizations that all provide a range of legal services to working New Yorkers who otherwise could not afford an attorney. While these five organizations have a combined...

CONNECT provides comprehensive educational and outreach programs for youth groups, community organizations and faith-based groups across the five boroughs. It provides support to survivors, offers legal advocacy to immigrant victims of abuse, and raises awareness about the connection between domestic violence and animal abuse....