Author: admin

Generation Citizen believes every student has the right to learn how to effectively participate as citizens. We inspire civic participation through a proven state standards-aligned action civics class that gives students the opportunity to experience real-world democracy....

Cool Culture believes that families that engage in art and cultural activities have the power to influence the world. Placing families at the center of our work, we form strategic partnerships with educators and schools, artists and cultural institutions, community leaders and community based organizations,...

Braata Productions  is dedicated to giving Caribbean and Caribbean-American artists a platform through which to showcase their work and talents. Our mission is to bring Caribbean folk culture, artists, music, stories, movement and theatre into prominent spaces while achieving greater recognition for our various art...

The Goddard Riverside West Side SRO Law Project provides free legal services and tenant organizing assistance to low-income residents of single-room occupancy (SRO) buildings on Manhattan’s West Side. The project helps tenants address a wide array of problems, including eviction, rent overcharge, harassment, illegal construction,...

UnLocal, Inc. is a community-centered non-profit organization that provides direct immigration legal representation and community education to New York City’s undocumented immigrant communities. UnLocal recognizes the needs of all immigrants and tailors its programming to identify specific gaps in services that are not sufficiently provided...

The New York Legal Services Coalition ("The Coalition") members provide high quality civil legal representation to low income persons and families in matters involving the essentials of life. The Coalition works to ensure fairness for all in the judicial system through a wide range of...